* -use on cows
**-use on cows or well developed heifers
***- sleep all night heifer bull
Red Angus Breed Averages- CE +2.3, BW +1.3, WW +43, YW +74, Milk +24
Price of all bulls range from $4500-7000. Please contact us for exact price on each bull .
Terry- Home 306 322-4547 cell 306 322-7439 (call or text) or email terryandstacey@xplornet.ca
All sire info is found on the Herd Sire tab.
Pictures and videos were taken Jan 25/2025
T & S Farms reserves the right to draw semen off any sale bull for our in herd use, at our expense and at the buyers convenience.
Our bulls are fed to last. They are hand fed Masterfeeds Blueprint Stage 2 Bull Developer twice a day along with free choice grass hay.
DOB-Jan 12/24
BW-76 lbs
, WW-Aug 25/24-704 lbs,
Adj WW-720 lbs,
YW-Jan 29/25-1210 lbs
EPD's-CE+4.0 BW+0.7, WW+49, YW+91, Milk+23
7m is a dark red, thick made, heifer bull with alot of hair. He is off a moderate Loaded female who has excelled on her first calf. 114K is backed by Rose 18w("also known as Pretty Girl") who just calved again at 16 yrs old. She crossed well with Loaded who's females are productive and milk well. 114K just had a 70 lb heifer calf bred the same way. Some bulls are difficult to get a picture to represent what they really look like in person. 7m is one of these bulls so we recommend you take a look at his video on our website.
DOB-Jan 12/24
BW-80 lbs
, WW-Aug 25/24-816 lbs,
Adj WW-748 lbs,
YW-Jan 29/25-1320 lbs
EPD's-CE+5.0 BW-0.2, WW+52, YW+93, Milk+25
8m is one of the best footed, dark hoofed bulls we have raised. Add in his long body, wide top with added hind quarter, a big set of testicles under him and an easy going personality made him a great choice to be our show bull. He was in our pen of 3 in Yorkton Harvest Showdown and was 3rd in class in Agribition 2024. Last year his full brother, 19L, had a bw of 77 lbs and was the heaviest yearling of 2024 selling to Troy and Derek Thorpe. We are excited that 57F just had a full sister this year with birth wt of 64 lbs. So we are confident with the calving ease of this guy with added performance. Halter broke. Herd sire prospect
Agribition picture on home page.
DOB-Jan 20/24
BW-90 lbs
, WW-Oct 3/24-864lbs,
Adj WW-707 lbs,
YW-Jan 29/25-1240 lbs
EPD's-CE-5.0 BW+3.5, WW+58, YW+98, Milk+24
20m is a dark red, long bodied great footed cow bull.70B is an easy fleshing female with a balanced udder and lots of milk.Her average is 88 lbs on her calves.
Red T&S Fifth Sense 21M Sold to Colborn Farms
Reg.#: 2368679 ***
DOB-Jan 21/24
BW-72 lbs
, WW-Sept 11/24-716 lbs,
Adj WW-636 lbs,
YW-Jan 29/25-1100 lbs
EPD's-CE+5.0 BW-0.7, WW+39, YW+71, Milk+25
21m is a top end heifer bull with a ton of style, length and hind quarter. He is backed by 50G who's average BW of 80 lbs. Half brother is in our 2 yr old pen #74L and a full brother on the ground at 81lbs.
DOB-Jan 23/24
BW-90 lbs
, WW-Aug 25/24-758 lbs,
Adj WW-727lbs,
YW-Jan 29/25-1175 lbs
EPD's-CE+2.0 BW+1.8, WW+47, YW+83, Milk+29
25m is a dark red, deep bodied, easy going cow bull. We were stalled next to the Rumble bull at Agribition in 2022 and 2023 and really liked him.We bought a semen package and in 2024 we had 2 heifer calves and 2 bull calves that all turned out well. Rumble himself had been used on heifers and cows. This guy got his power from his Dam and Grandam. Hart 4G is rising to be one of our top purebreds with producing top end offspring. 25m was part of our pen of 3 at Harvest Showdown in Yorkton.
Red T&S Ringo 32M
Sold to Colborn Farms
Reg.#: 2368680 * * *
DOB-Jan 24/24
BW-75 lbs
, WW-Oct 10/24 834
lbs, Adj WW-673 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1195 lbsEPD's-CE+6.0 BW-1.2, WW+48, YW+84, Milk+29
32m is a heifer bull with extra length and depth backed by consistency. This is 52g third bull calf sired by Ringo. They averaged 77 lbs and are all at the top of the pen.
DOB-Jan 27/24
BW-77 lbs
, WW-Oct 10/24 844
lbs, Adj WW-689 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1110 lbsEPD's-CE+10.0 BW-1.1, WW+41, YW+67, Milk+27
39M is a deep bodied, smooth made bull that would work great on a group of heifers. 2c,is a cow our daughter Brittany bought who always does a great job. Her birth weight average of 77 lbs on her bulls and 74lbs on her heifers
DOB-Jan 27/24
BW-68 lbs
, WW-Sept 11/24- 722
lbs, Adj WW-656 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1075 lbsEPD's-CE+7.0 BW-0.4, WW+39, YW+71, Milk+19
41m is dark red, smooth fronted, super long bodied and stands on a dark red hoof.Would be a great heifer bull option. 149F is a hard working dam we purchased from the Dorrance dispersal.
DOB-Jan 28/24
BW-78 lbs
, WW-Aug 25/24- 625
lbs, Adj WW-639 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1055 lbsEPD's-CE+7.0 BW-1.0, WW+26, YW+54, Milk+30
45m is sired by an AI sire we selected from Genex for his calving ease.In 2024 we had 2 heifers and 2 bull calves that all made the cut and have more calves on the ground this year. They are born with a very unique small "Angus" head that can easily be picked out along with extra hind quarter and nice width. The bulls are very masculine and moderate in their build. This guy is very quiet as we did halter break him. He is backed by a big bodied, wide topped cow who has great longevity and is still producing.
DOB-Jan 28/24
BW-76 lbs
, WW- Oct 10/24- 752
lbs, Adj WW-617 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1090 lbsEPD's-CE+9.0 BW-1.8, WW+30, YW+56, Milk+29
46M is the other Enterprise bull calf that patterns very similar to the 45m bull. He is moderate built with a great foot. He is a maternal brother to the 201K bull on the 2 year old page. He is backed by a powerful Ribeye cow.
Red T&S Ringo 47M
Sold to Jeremy and Greg Hunt
Reg.#: 2368720 * * *
DOB-Jan 29/24
BW-67 lbs
, WW- Sept 11/24- 728
lbs, Adj WW-687 lbs, YW- Jan 29/25-
1185 lbsEPD's-CE+9.0 BW-1.8, WW+36, YW+71, Milk+25
47m is a dark red heifer bull backed by an awesome Tessie female who knows how to produce low birth wt calves that grow
DOB-Jan 30/24
BW-89 lbs
, WW- Aug 19/24- 732
lbs, Adj WW-745 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1170 lbsEPD's-CE+4.0 BW+0.9, WW+52, YW+88, Milk+24
52m has caught our attention since he was a calf. A smooth made, deep bodied cow bull with great hind quarter. This guy was in our pen of 3 at Harvest showdown and Agribition 2024. His full brother this year had a bw of 90 lbs so this cow has some consistency.
DOB-Jan 31/24
BW-85 lbs
, WW- Oct 10/24- 818
lbs, Adj WW-719 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1170 lbsEPD's-CE-4.0 BW+2.9, WW+53, YW+92, Milk+22
53m is a very complete yearling with lots of length, depth, width and expressive hind quarter. He is dark red and has an excellent hair coat.
DOB-Feb 1/24
BW-82 lbs
, WW- Oct 10/24- 780
lbs, Adj WW-650 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1080 lbsEPD's-CE+1.0 BW+1.9, WW+39, YW+69, Milk+24
59m is not the first heifer bull this reliable Sakic cow has had. Her average birth weight on her calves is 73 lbs and we liked this mating so well we bred her back to Fifth Sense and this year she had a 69 lb bull calf. He is built like his brother, smooth and stout with lots of hair.
DOB-Feb 4/24
BW-84 lbs
, WW- Oct 10/24- 906
lbs, Adj WW-781 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1195 lbsEPD's-CE-2.0 BW+2.8, WW+60, YW+100, Milk+28
66m is a long, smooth bull who has all the calving ease and low birth weight along with explosive growth. Look at that actual WW and YW edp. He has a little extra frame to cover heifers or cows. We were very sad to have lost his mother this fall. She was a premier dam according to the Angus Assoc for a good reason with 13 progeny that we have kept or sent onto to other herds to do great things.
DOB-Feb 12/24
BW-83 lbs
, WW- Sept 11/24- 758
lbs, Adj WW-796 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-1
165 lbsEPD's-CE-2.0 BW+2.7, WW+58, YW+102, Milk+25
78m is the result of 2 great bulls we purchased from Six Mile Ranch. This moderate Ringo first calf heifer with a beautiful udder really out did herself when bred to our calving ease bull Fifth Sense. To get this birth wt, weaning weight and yearling weight on her first try while breeding back to calve again in Jan is what we all want from our females. She has a full brother on the ground who had a bw of 67 lbs and is a stand out already. .
DOB-Feb 14/24
BW-78 lbs
, WW- Oct 10/24- 778
lbs, Adj WW-698 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1095 lbsEPD's-CE+4.0 BW+0.0, WW+45, YW+80, Milk+22
81m is a smooth made heifer bull off an easy keeping Loaded female who's birth weight average on her calves is 70 lbs.
DOB-Feb 14/24
BW-74 lbs
, WW- Aug 25/24- 606
lbs, Adj WW-699 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1060 lbsEPD's-CE+0.0 BW+2.3, WW+51, YW+93, Milk+24
83m is a smooth made, long bodied heifer bull off a larger framed New Direction female. The same cow family as 20m bull.
DOB-Feb 15/24
BW-86 lbs
, WW- Oct 3/24- 814
lbs, Adj WW-732 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1145 lbsEPD's-CE -3.0 BW+2.3, WW+52, YW+85, Milk+22
87m is a bull off an easy keeping female with a great udder, small teats and a very good foot. She has passed on the easy keeping and good foot features onto this bull calf. Add some width and hind quarter and you have yourself a bull you will want to keep all the females off of. 54c had an average birth weight on her calves of 82lbs.
DOB-Feb 17/24
BW-92 lbs
, WW- Oct 10/24- 850
lbs, Adj WW-750 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
1205 lbsEPD's-CE-7.0 BW+3.7 WW+53, YW+93, Milk+22
91m is a dark red, long bodied bull that is off a cow who adds some performance to her calves without sacrificing calving ease.
DOB-Feb 20/24
BW-77 lbs
, WW- Sept 11/24- 600
lbs, Adj WW-603 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
930 lbsEPD's-CE+3.0 BW-0.1 WW+35, YW+61, Milk+21
94m is a dark red, calving ease option for heifers that has a ton of hair. He is off a heavy milking packer dam.
Red Britt Remingtion 100M
Reg.#: 2374207 ***
DOB-Feb 28/24
BW-80 lbs
, WW- Oct 03/24- 628
lbs, Adj WW-615 lbs, YW- Jan 29/25-
960 lbsEPD's-CE+0.0 BW+1.2, WW+39, YW+68, Milk+25
100m is a long bodied, smooth made bull that tracks out very well. One of the younger bulls in the pen but has the overall shape and dimension to keep up with the entire pen! Backed by the Kenray Jet Stream cow so expect great things from this great sire.
DOB-Mar 7/24
BW-82 lbs
, WW- Aug 25/24- 568
lbs, Adj WW-725 lbs, YW- Jan 29/25-
1005 lbsEPD's-CE+2.0 BW+2.0 WW+53, YW+99, Milk+23
103m is a dark red, later born bull who is really coming into himself and quickly turning into a pen favorite. We waited a long time for Jetta 12e to finally give us a heifer to add our herd. She has done a great job on her first calf and bred up to calve in Jan having a full brother with a birth weight of 67lbs. What more can you ask.
DOB-Mar 7/24
BW-69 lbs
, WW- Sept 11/24- 590
lbs, Adj WW-697 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25-
928 lbsEPD's-CE+3.0 BW+0.8 WW+41 YW+74 Milk+21
104m is another March born heifer bull who is moderate made with smooth shoulders and lots of muscle shape.
DOB-Mar 30/24
BW-92 lbs
, WW- Oct 19/24- 728
lbs, Adj WW-734 lbs, YW-Jan 29/25- 1075 lbs
112m is an end of March cow bull who has the power and frame to work well on a bunch of cows. He is backed by powerful Packer dam.